
Oregon Licensed Massage Therapist #18469

Sometimes strength training isn't going to be what is needed - sometimes we need someone with skilled hands and a compassionate heart to help us manually get out of our own way. And sometimes the dysfunctional patterns are deeper still than the skin and the muscles - sometimes the stuckness is deep down within the fascial fibers, set there long ago during a traumatic experience or even continuously put in place by a conditioned subconscious thought-pattern. Psychotherapy is an incredible way to address some of these stuck patterns...but hands-on healing bodywork can also play a role in the release of self-limiting patterns.

Erin may implement such modalities as craniosacral massage, deep tissue manual therapy, myofascial release, somatic dialogue, trigger point release, pranayama breathwork, and more. Her biggest passion in life is creating a therapeutic container for healing to take place - whether on the gym floor or in the massage studio. Schedule a Bodywork appointment to co-create this healing container with Erin at Spring Wellness and begin to unwind the layers of tension holding you back from expressing your true potential.


